We are UK National Champions!
We are pleased to announce that our VEX IQ Robotics team have been crowned UK National Teamwork Champions.
Our team and their Alliance partners from Arnold Lodge school worked hard coming up with the best strategy for collecting as many of the green cubes as they could in 1 minute. Thankfully, under considerable pressure, they were able to hold their nerve and execute their plan perfectly. We are incredible proud of you Team 38154B.
From the team's point of view, what was particularly satisfying was the fact that they had to call upon all their resilience as they battled back from a terrible start. Unfortunately, during the first twenty minutes of competition disaster struck as another team dropped their robot on ours. This accident meant that our first 5 qualifying games were riddled with robot malfunctions until the team could identify and solve the problem. Once the damage was fixed, the team began hitting some high scores and quickly climbed the league table.
Team 38154B battled back from 18th place that first morning to eventually winning the competition - an amazing achievement. Amazingly, this is the second time in 3 years that Wardley Primary School have won the title having come runners up last year. Here they are being presented with their award alongside their alliance partners Arnold Lodge. The award means that Wardley Primary School will be travelling to Dallas for the VEX Robotics Championships for the second year running.
Here are our amazing VEX team (minus one who is unwell) who are eager to share a photo of their trophies and medals.
They are tired after the journey and events of the last few days but super excited and proud of what they have achieved! It has been wonderful to hear all of the stories about new teams they have met and the excitement of the National Finals.